
Picture Perfect

We take alot of photos of our programs at the library.  Once taken, they go up on our Flickr account and are streamed on our webpage. Now, in our department, none of us are particularly stellar photographers.  We do tend to turn out some goodies but it seems often to be completely in spite of ourselves. We are eternally thankful for digital cameras that let us click away until something turns out decent. Of course, at some programs, it is painfully obvious that even volume of pix won't cure the bad shots we get.

But we have a solution!  Sarah over at Librarian in Black has linked up to the ALA TechSource blog where Cindy Trainor has helpfully given some tips that can make us, if not pros, at least more competant around the old Kodak. So smile and say cheese.

Photo from La Crosse Public Library's photostream

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