
Art Attack!

In keeping with our "Be Creative" theme, one of my colleagues planned an "Instant Art" program today that was an easy prep and a monster success - the best combination for summer. Our handouts enticed kids with: "The library atrium is boring and bare...then a flash mob of children come in, make their own wonderful art creations and POW! - the library is a cool, creative place for all!"

Paper, markers, feathers, craft papers, stick-on shapes, buttons, ribbons, scissors, glue sticks and doo-dads were placed on tables around the room. Our programmer read DePaola's Art Lesson and Ehlert's Hands to inspire the crowd and the kids got arty!

A staffer was on hand with Ellison die-cuts of award ribbons and awarded each and every picture a special award created specially for each unique art piece including "Best Eye-Popping Art"; Most Feathery Art Award"; "Best Two-gether Award" (for art created by a sisterly duo) and many other fun awards. Then all pictures were hung in our atrium for library-users to see by our teen volunteers.

The kids were happy, the parents were happy ("You have the best library"; "This was so much fun") and the library is beautified.

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