
Seriously, Libraries ARE for Everyone

Colleague Rebecca McCorkindale, who blogs mightily at Hafuboti, and shakes things up from her home base in Nebraska, is doing some great graphic (and writing) work around diversity and inclusion.  Best of all, she generously shares with people.

Her current series is based on amazing graphics that expand on her original adaptations of the universal library symbol to bring attention to the many, many communities we serve. Here is one of the graphics:

Not only does she provide a beautiful inclusive vision, but she is publishing the graphics in multiple languages and inviting people to use her generously provided graphics to extend our library welcome in our communities. Besides the many languages she is also providing B&W graphics for those of us who need to watch our pennies and ink budgets! Take some time to browse all the great posts (including a n excellent recent series on really re-thinking holidays) and get to know her.  Stop by her blog, read all about it, SUBSCRIBE, and share.


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