
School Age Programming -Jump In!

Thanks to the efforts of Lisa Shaia over at Thrive after Three, there is now a place for all of us who do (and love) school age programs to start sharing our program successes, ideas and information.

Lisa has just created a school age "Flannel Friday"-like compendium called Thrive Thursday. Each week on Thursday she shares links to blog posts on school age programs that librarians have submitted or she has found.

Her goal is to have various bloggers host this weekly round-up of school age programs. At the moment, Lisa has been hosting and keeping placeholders up at her blog.  Maybe I'll get brave enough/tech savvy enough to host!

I would love to see more of my library programming pals join the fun and build this sharing into one big happy crowdsourcing family.  It's pretty easy. If you blogged about a school age program (active, passive, outreach, field trip, like that), just drop the link into the placeholder over at Thrive After Three.

She has set up a Facebook group for discussions too. If you have trouble getting to it, search "Thrive Thursday" on Facebook and ask to be added to the group. And pins are up on Pinterest!

I've jumped in, the water is really fine. Come join us!!

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! I look forward to seeing ideas.
