
On the Road with School and Public Library Cooperation

I am on the road today with my colleagues at the Southwest Wisconsin Association of Libraries to talk smack on collaboration opportunities with our schools.  We can always reach out and create awesome partnerships - just jump in and do it! Here are links to good stuff referred to at the workshop!

A Pinterest board with some of these links plus other collaborative ideas

The ML-W approach to collaboration

Great ideas from large libraries around the country on their successful collaborations in January 2013 issue of SLJ.

Jumping in with both feet to create a partnership at a new job from Jennie Bahnaman

Thinking about Common Core and non-fiction programming at the library from Abby Johnson in American Libraries

Thoughts on School Partnerships from Amy Koester at Show Me Librarian blog

A series on the blog on school library collaboration ideas that I have successfully tried.

Making sense of Common Core in the Public Library with resources from the Association for Library Service to Children.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

1 comment:

  1. Just finished listening to/watching our class youtube lecture on this, and am so excited! THANK YOU for this blog post, too, with all these great links!!! I AM SO PUMPED!
